Jahreskonferenz SCCER-SoE 2017

Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Forschungs-Highlights und vielfältige Aussenperspektiven, Projekt-Plakate und Möglichkeiten für den persönlichen Austausch.

Beginn14.09.2017 00:00
Ende15.09.2017 00:00
OrtEidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL, Birmensdorf

​Konferenzsprache: Englisch

Taking a look at the research highlights and diverse views from outside, putting a strong emphasis on the project posters and providing many opportunities for personal exchange – these are the intentions of the SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2017.

On Thursday, the conference will focus on the big picture of the future supply of electricity and welcome key representatives from the industry, federal offices, and politics.

Friday‘s program is dedicated to the highlights of the hydropower and geo-energy research as well as of the pilot and demonstration projects.