Module 1: Households

Private households account for a large part of the overall energy consumption. Against this backdrop, NRP 71 places an emphasis on the analysis of individual and collective behaviour in households with regard to energy consumption. Research targets include determining which factors influence the energy needs of households (lighting, heating, refrigeration and mobility) in the short, medium and long term, and which of these factors can be utilised for energy management purposes.

Completed projects

Behavioural mechanisms of household electricity consumption External Link Icon

Behavioural mechanisms of household electricity consumption

Prof. Lorenz Goette

Energy efficiency in households External Link Icon

Energy efficiency in households

Prof. Martin K. Patel

Energy reduction potentials of elderly people’s households External Link Icon

Energy reduction potentials of elderly people’s households

Dr. Heinz Rütter

Soft incentives and energy consumption External Link Icon

Soft incentives and energy consumption

Prof. Ulf Liebe

Sustainable lifestyles and energy consumption External Link Icon

Sustainable lifestyles and energy consumption

Prof. Dr. Timo Ohnmacht

Understanding household energy consumption External Link Icon

Understanding household energy consumption

Prof. Suren Erkman